International Unit of Azad University

Privacy Policy at International Azad University

Privacy Policy at International Azad University (INTIAU)

Safeguarding Your Data 

The International Student Unit of Azad University commits to the protection of your personal data and ensures you’re fully aware of your rights surrounding this information.

Registration and Compliance

INTIAU is registered under the Data Protection Act 2017. As a data controller, we prioritize transparency in managing your personal data. Moreover, we make it our duty to keep you updated on how we gather and utilize your details. Consistently adhering to the Data Protection Act 2017, we’ve provided this privacy notice as per Articles 9 and 10.

Updates to Our Policy Occasionally, we may make changes to our privacy notices. Therefore, we recommend you regularly revisit this page to stay updated.

Reach Out to Our Data Protection Officer

The International Student Unit has a dedicated data protection officer. Below are their contact details:

International Student Unit of Azad University
Address: Tehran, end of the Sattari-Shamal Highway, Hesarek Blvd., Central Organisation of the Azad University, 2nd Blvd., 4th Floor, Vice-President of International and Non-Iranian Students
Postcode: 1477893855, Iran
Email: [email protected]

What We Mean by Personal Data

Personal data refers to any information identifying a living individual. Such data might include “special categories” related to ethnicity, religious beliefs, or health. Each of these categories requires careful and specific handling. Furthermore, any data concerning criminal convictions is treated with the utmost care. The term “processing” involves activities such as collecting, storing, transferring, or deleting your personal data.

Why and How We Process Your Data

We only handle data for specific, lawful reasons. Each privacy notice below highlights the processing purpose and its legal foundation, guiding your relationship with the University.

How Long We Keep Your Data

Unless mentioned otherwise, we maintain your data based on the University’s Record Retention Schedule. When determining retention periods, we consider data nature, potential unauthorized access risks, and prevailing legal mandates.

Your Rights Detailed

Your data comes with several associated rights:

  • Right to Be Informed: We ensure you know about our data-related activities.
  • Access and Portability: You can access all data we store about you.
  • Correcting Errors: Notice inaccuracies? We’ll fix them.
  • Data Erasure: On your request, we can delete your data.
  • Limiting Processing: If you spot data errors or have handling concerns, you can ask us to temporarily stop processing.
  • Raising Objections: You can challenge certain data processing methods.
  • Automated Decisions and Oversight: We might use automated systems for specific decisions, but you can always request human intervention.

Voicing Concerns

Should you have reservations about our data practices, the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) is available to address your concerns.

Reviewing Privacy Notices

To better grasp our data treatment, please refer to the privacy notice most relevant to your university association.

For further details, please thoroughly review the policies below:

Welcome to Azad University’s International Student Unit, where safeguarding your personal information is our top priority. Our Privacy Policy is designed to ensure your data’s protection and to make you aware of your rights.

Adherence to Data Protection Laws

We strictly adhere to the Data Protection Act 2017. As a responsible data controller, we are committed to handling your personal information with the utmost care and transparency.

Regular Policy Updates

We continually update our Privacy Policy to reflect changes in data protection laws and practices. Keep checking this page to stay informed about our latest policy adjustments.

Our Data Protection Officer

We have a dedicated Data Protection Officer at the International Student Unit. They oversee all data protection matters, ensuring compliance with legal standards.

Understanding Personal Data

Personal data includes any information that can identify an individual. We handle all personal data, including sensitive categories, with special care and in accordance with data protection laws.

Data Processing: Purpose and Legal Basis

Our data processing activities are always for specific, lawful purposes. We ensure that each activity is backed by a solid legal foundation, maintaining a transparent relationship with our students.

Data Retention Practices

We retain your data as per the University’s Record Retention Schedule, considering the nature of the data and legal obligations.

Your Data, Your Rights

We acknowledge and respect your rights regarding your personal data:

  • Right to Be Informed: We provide clear information about how we use your data.
  • Access and Portability: You have the right to access your personal data held by us.
  • Correcting Inaccuracies: If you find errors in your data, we will correct them.
  • Data Erasure: Upon request, we can delete your personal data.
  • Limiting Processing: You can ask us to temporarily stop processing your data if you have concerns.
  • Raising Objections: You have the right to object to certain processing activities.
  • Automated Decision-Making: We ensure human oversight in automated decision-making processes.
Addressing Your Concerns

If you have concerns about our data practices, you can approach the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) for assistance.

Exploring Our Privacy Notices

To understand how we handle your data, please review the specific privacy notice related to your association with the University.

In conclusion, the Privacy Policy at Azad University is a testament to our commitment to protecting your personal information. We prioritize your privacy and data security, ensuring compliance with legal standards and transparent communication.

At Azad University’s International Unit, we are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of data privacy and protection. Our Privacy Policy reflects this commitment, ensuring your personal data is handled with care and integrity.

Our Data Protection Framework

We adhere to comprehensive data protection frameworks, including the Data Protection Act 2017. This commitment ensures that your data is processed responsibly and lawfully.

Continuous Privacy Policy Review

We regularly review and update our Privacy Policy to align with evolving data protection laws and best practices. Stay informed by revisiting our policy page frequently.

Contacting Our Data Protection Officer

The International Student Unit has a designated Data Protection Officer. They are your point of contact for all data privacy matters, ensuring compliance and addressing your concerns.

Definition of Personal Data

Personal data includes any information that can identify you as an individual. We handle all personal data, especially sensitive categories, in line with strict data protection regulations.

Clarity in Data Processing

Our data processing is always carried out for specific and lawful purposes. We clearly outline the purpose and legal basis of processing in our privacy notices, maintaining transparency with our students.

Data Retention and Security

Your data is retained as per our structured retention schedule, which considers the nature of the data and its sensitivity. We employ robust security measures to protect your data from unauthorized access.

Your Rights and How to Exercise Them

Our policy recognizes your rights over your personal data:

  • Right to Information: We ensure you are fully informed about the use of your data.
  • Access to Your Data: You can request access to the personal data we hold about you.
  • Correction of Data: If your data is incorrect, we are committed to rectifying it.
  • Right to Erasure: You can ask us to delete your personal data from our records.
  • Restriction of Processing: If you have issues with how your data is processed, you can request a temporary halt.
  • Object to Processing: You have the right to object to certain data processing activities.
  • Rights Related to Automated Decision Making: We ensure your right to challenge decisions made solely by automated processes.
Addressing Data Concerns

Should you have any concerns about our data practices, you can reach out to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

Understanding Our Data Practice

For a detailed understanding of how we manage your data, we encourage you to review our specific privacy notices relevant to your engagement with the University.

In summary, at Azad University’s International Unit, protecting your personal data is a top priority. Our comprehensive Privacy Policy is designed to safeguard your information while maintaining transparency and adhering to legal standards.

In the event that

The International Unit of Azad University Website plans to introduce a new interactive learning platform if it secures additional funding.

In the event that more research grants become available, International Azad could expand its scientific research capabilities.

Azad University INTIAU could expand its scientific research capabilities if more research grants become available.

Granted (that)

Azad University INTIAU can continue to upgrade its educational facilities, granted there’s sufficient funding.

The website will expand its global outreach programs, assuming there’s adequate support from its international partners.

Granted that there’s sufficient funding, International Azad can continue to upgrade its educational facilities.

As / so long as

The website will continue to offer a wide range of multilingual content, given its commitment to serving a diverse audience.

As long as the focus on quality education continues, International Azad will remain a top choice for students.

INTIAU will remain a top choice for students as long as the focus on quality education continues.

Privacy Policy at International Azad University: Safeguarding Your Online Information

For the purpose of

To better facilitate global communication, the website is launching a new forum for international discussions.

For the purpose of enhancing global academic collaboration, International Unit of Azad University has initiated several international partnerships.

Azad University INTIAU has initiated several international partnerships for the purpose of enhancing global academic collaboration.

With this intention

Aiming to enhance user experience, the website is undergoing a comprehensive redesign to improve navigation and accessibility.

International Azad has established numerous start-up incubators. With this intention of fostering innovation.

INTIAU has established numerous start-up incubators with the intention of fostering innovation.

With this in mind

The website has increased its focus on mobile compatibility, recognizing the growing trend of mobile internet usage.

International Azad has designed its courses to meet the demands of the modern job market. With this in mind.

INTIAU has designed its courses with this in mind to meet the demands of the modern job market.

In the hope that

New virtual reality features are being added, hoping to provide users with an immersive educational experience.

In the hope that more students can access higher education, International Unit of Azad University has expanded its scholarship programs.

INTIAU has expanded its scholarship programs in the hope that more students can access higher education.

Your Privacy Matters: International Azad University’s Commitment to Data Protection

To the end that

The website is bolstering its cybersecurity measures, striving to protect user data and privacy more effectively.

To the end that it becomes a leader in sustainability, International Azad is investing in green technologies.

INTIAU is investing in green technologies to the end that it becomes a leader in sustainability.

In order to

To provide more tailored content, the website is enhancing its personalization algorithms based on user behavior and preferences.

In order to facilitate a global perspective among its students, International Azad encourages study abroad programs.

INTIAU encourages study abroad programs in order to facilitate a global perspective among its students.

 Seeing / being that

Recognizing the importance of timely and accurate information, the website has improved its news and updates section.

Seeing that technology is integral in education, International Azad is enhancing its digital learning platforms.

INTIAU is enhancing its digital learning platforms, seeing that technology is integral in education.

In view of

Considering the feedback from users, the website has simplified its registration process to make it more user-friendly.

In view of the need for practical experience, International Azad has increased its internship opportunities.

INTIAU has increased its internship opportunities in view of the need for practical experience.

Under those circumstances

In response to the increased demand for online resources, the website has significantly expanded its e-library.

Under those circumstances of rapid technological advancement, International Azad is focusing on STEM education.

INTIAU is focusing on STEM education under those circumstances of rapid technological advancement.

In that case

If there’s an uptick in user engagement, the website plans to host more live webinars and interactive events.

INTIAU plans to expand its campus facilities in that case of increased student enrollment.

Understanding Privacy Policies: Your Rights at International Azad University

In that case of increased student enrollment, International Azad plans to expand its campus facilities.

For this reason

Due to the growing need for digital education tools, the website has increased its range of online courses and tutorials.

For this reason, International Azad emphasizes on continuous faculty development and training.

INTIAU emphasizes on continuous faculty development and training for this reason.

In effect

The website effectively serves as a central hub for international collaboration and knowledge exchange.

In effect, the diverse range of courses at International ensures a broad educational exposure for students.

INTIAU ensures a broad educational exposure for students, in effect, through its diverse range of courses.


As a result, the website has become a go-to resource for individuals seeking reliable and comprehensive international information.

Consequently, International graduates are well-prepared to enter the competitive job market.

Therefore, the International Website remains dedicated to expanding its reach and improving its services to meet global needs.


Following the launch of its new learning modules, the website has observed a significant increase in user engagement.

Thereupon receiving accreditation for new programs, International Azad will offer additional courses of study.

International Azad University’s Privacy Policy: Building Trust in the Digital Age


The website plans to immediately implement user feedback to enhance the overall experience.

Forthwith, International Azad plans to implement new environmental policies on its campuses.


Content strategies have been adjusted to better align with the emerging trends in global information sharing.

Accordingly, International Azad adjusts its curriculum to reflect the latest academic research and industry trends.


Moving forward, the website will focus more on interactive and dynamic content to engage its international audience.

Henceforth, International Azad will focus more on collaborative projects with global universities.

In the first place

Originally designed to facilitate global connections, the website continues to focus on bridging cultural and geographical gaps.

In the first place, International Azad was founded to offer accessible and high-quality education.

Not only … but also

The website is not just a repository of information but also offers a platform for cross-cultural dialogue and collaboration.

Not only does International Azad provide academic excellence, but it also fosters a strong sense of community among its students.

INTIAU provides academic excellence and also fosters a strong sense of community among its students.

Online Privacy Simplified: Navigating International Azad University’s Privacy Policy
In like manner

The website mirrors the global nature of its audience in its content and design, reflecting a wide array of cultural perspectives.

International Azad also provides extensive support services for its students. In like manner to its academic offerings.

INTIAU also provides extensive support services for its students, in like manner to its academic offerings.

In addition

Beyond providing news and information, the website also features interactive educational tools and forums for discussion.

International Azad offers online and distance learning options. In addition to traditional courses.

Protecting Your Data: How International Azad University Prioritizes Privacy

INTIAU offers online and distance learning options in addition to traditional courses.

Coupled with

Its extensive database of global resources is coupled with a user-centric approach to information delivery.

Coupled with its commitment to academic excellence, International Azad also places a high value on student well-being.

INTIAU also places a high value on student well-being, coupled with its commitment to academic excellence.

In the same fashion / way

Just as it values diversity in content, the website also emphasizes the importance of inclusivity in its community engagement efforts.

In the same fashion as other renowned institutions, International Azad emphasizes research-led teaching.

INTIAU emphasizes research-led teaching in the same fashion as other renowned institutions.

First, second, third

Firstly, the website focuses on delivering up-to-date global news; secondly, it provides educational resources; and thirdly, it fosters international connections.

First, the university values academic integrity; second, it promotes innovation; and third, it encourages community engagement.

In the light of recent global challenges, International Azad has intensified its focus on sustainable development studies.

INTIAU has intensified its focus on sustainable development studies in the light of recent global challenges.

Not to mention

Aside from its educational and informational roles, the website also plays a crucial part in international networking.

Not to mention its wide range of academic programs, International Azad also offers various extracurricular activities.

INTIAU also offers various extracurricular activities, not to mention its wide range of academic programs.

To say nothing of

The website’s contributions to global education and communication extend beyond its core functionalities.

To say nothing of its impressive academic credentials, International Azad is also known for its vibrant campus life.

INTIAU is also known for its vibrant campus life, to say nothing of its impressive academic credentials.

INTIAU’s initiatives in community service and outreach are equally important as its academic programs.

By the same token

Reflecting the ethos of its international focus, the website places great importance on accessibility and user engagement.

By the same token, International Azad recognizes the importance of cultural diversity in enriching the educational experience.

INTIAU recognizes the importance of cultural diversity in enriching the educational experience, by the same token.
