
Introduction to Azad University Hamedan branch: A Pinnacle of Private Higher Education

Azad University Hamedan branch, established as a branch of the prominent INTIAU, commenced its journey in the realm of private education in early spring 1988. Nestled in the culturally rich city of Hamedan, this university has rapidly emerged as a hub of academic excellence. Initially, it opened its doors to over six hundred students, offering thirteen different disciplines, thereby marking its commitment to diverse educational pursuits.

This esteemed institution symbolizes the fusion of tradition and modern educational practices, catering to various academic and professional aspirations. The university is dedicated to fostering an environment where theoretical knowledge is seamlessly integrated with practical application. Moreover, its focus extends beyond mere academic instruction, preparing students for the real-world challenges they will face in their respective fields.

With its diverse range of faculties, Azad University Hamedan has carved a niche in the private education sector. It is not just an academic establishment but a beacon of knowledge and innovation. Through its commitment to nurturing talent and intellect, the university plays a pivotal role in enhancing the cultural and intellectual fabric of the community. Azad University Hamedan stands as a testament to the transformative power of education, continually shaping the futures of its students and making significant contributions across various fields.

Establishment of Azad University Hamedan branch

In winter 1984, enthusiasts initiated the creation of Azad University in Hamedan. A meeting was organized and the attendees’ included scholars, philanthropists, educators, and merchants. However, a clergyman’s opposition caused the meeting to end abruptly.

By August 1987, the location problem persisted. However, our determination led to a breakthrough. The old Agricultural Bank building was acquired. The building required renovations and was prepared by February 1988.

Despite initial difficulties, Azad University Hamedan branch, began operations in early spring 1988. It started with over six hundred students across thirteen disciplines. So, the inauguration ceremony was graced by notable figures. The journey from a humble single-shop university to an established institution marks a significant milestone in the educational landscape of Hamedan.

Azad University Hamedan branch: Catering to Diverse Academic Pursuits

Comprehensive Faculties at Azad University Hamedan

Azad University Hamedan is renowned for its diverse educational offerings. The Faculty of Humanities, as the first of its kind, stands out for its rich cultural and literary focus. It fosters critical thinking and creativity among students, playing a vital role in preserving the historical and cultural heritage of Hamedan. In addition, this faculty is a beacon for scholars passionate about the humanities. As it provides an immersive and enriching 教育 experience.

Similarly, the Faculty of Engineering is a leader in innovation and practical solutions. This faculty excels in applying theoretical knowledge to real-world challenges. Students actively engage in hands-on projects, preparing them for the demands of the engineering world. Moreover, the combination of advanced facilities and expert educators ensures a top tier engineering education. Consequently, making this faculty a pillar of practical innovation.

Faculty of Humanities

In response to the cultural enthusiasts and literary lovers of Hamedan, and considering the scientific, cultural, and historical importance of the city, the Faculty of Humanities was established in 2005 as the first faculty at Azad University Hamedan branch. This faculty was founded with the goal of expanding higher education in humanities in Hamedan province.

Currently, it offers 37 fields of study at various levels from bachelor’s degrees to PhD, with more than 5,000 students enrolled. There are 61 full-time professors, 9 part-time professors, and 159 visiting professors contributing to the educational and research goals of the faculty. So, the total number of staff members at this faculty is 18, working in various sectors of the faculty.

Exploring Further: The Diverse Faculties at Azad University Hamedan

The Faculty of Art and Architecture uniquely blends artistic creativity with practical design principles. It is a hub for nurturing artistic expression and architectural ingenuity. With a dynamic curriculum that bridges traditional and modern design, it encourages students to develop their own artistic voice. Consequently, making it a centre for creative excellence.

Moreover, the Faculty of Medical Sciences is at the forefront of advancing healthcare and research. It provides rigorous academic training coupled with innovative research opportunities. Students become ready for successful careers in the medical field, thanks to hands-on experiences and a commitment to community health.

Finally, the Faculty of Basic Sciences lays the groundwork for scientific exploration and discovery. Emphasizing analytical skills and scientific inquiry, it is crucial for students seeking a thorough understanding of the natural world. So, with modern labs and experienced scientists as mentors, this faculty is a foundation for future scientific achievements.

Enhancing Personal Development: Workshops at Azad University

Azad University workshops offer a unique blend of personal development and skill enhancement opportunities for students. Meditation workshops stand out, providing a serene escape from academic pressures. That is to say, these sessions promote mental well-being, teaching mindfulness and relaxation techniques. Similarly, self-defence workshops equip students with practical skills, boosting their confidence and awareness for personal safety.

For those inclined towards music, the university’s guitar and singing workshops are a treasure trove. They nurture musical talents, offering technical training alongside a platform for artistic expression. Additionally, language workshops in English, German, and French open doors to global opportunities. They enhance communication skills and cultural awareness, preparing students for international engagement.

Cultivating Practical Skills: Workshops at Azad University Hamedan

The university also addresses creative and trending interests through its diverse workshops. Cooking workshops allow students to delve into the culinary arts, transforming cooking into an expressive and enjoyable art form. Moreover, Photography workshops cater to the aesthetically inclined, teaching the art of visual storytelling through the lens.

Furthermore, specialized workshops like Botox training align with professional trends, offering cutting-edge skills in contemporary fields. These workshops not only equip students with specific technical abilities but also provide insights into emerging industry practices.

In summary, the variety of workshops at Azad University Hamedan plays a crucial role in the holistic development of students. These workshops are pivotal in shaping well-rounded individuals, skilled and ready to face diverse life and career paths.

Simplified Admission Guide for Hamedan INTIAU branch

Embarking on your journey with INTIAU is straightforward. Here’s a concise guide to what you’ll need for admission:

  1. 个人身份证明: A copy of your national ID card or passport is essential for verifying your identity.
  2. 学业记录: Submit your high school diploma or an equivalent certificate. This document confirms your educational history.
  3. 申请表: Fill out the application form meticulously, ensuring all your details are accurate and up to date.
  4. 个人陈述: Share your motivations for joining INTIAU and your future goals. This is your opportunity to express your enthusiasm and aspirations.
  5. 推荐信(可选): If available, include recommendation letters from previous educators or professionals. These can provide additional insights into your academic strengths.

Once you have these documents, upload them via our online application system. Our admissions committee will review your application carefully and notify you about the next steps.

INTIAU seeks passionate students eager to make a global impact. If you have questions or need assistance during the application process, please reach out to our administrative staff via the ‘Contact Us’ link. We’re here to help and look forward to welcoming you to our academic community!

Navigating Azad University Academic Pathways: From Bachelor’s to P.h.D

At International Unit of Azad University (INTIAU), students embark on a transformative educational journey, spanning from bachelor’s to Ph.D. levels. Each stage is available to meet the diverse aspirations of our global student body.

Laying Foundations: Bachelor’s Degree at Hamedan INTIAU branch

The bachelor’s degree at INTIAU is more than an academic starting point; it’s a journey of building a robust foundation. This level is dedicated to nurturing not only knowledgeable individuals but also critical thinkers who are prepared to tackle future challenges head-on. It’s an immersive experience that extends beyond traditional learning methods.

Advancing Knowledge: Master’s Degree at Hamedan INTIAU branch

Progressing to the master’s level signifies a deeper dive into specialized areas. It’s an opportunity to enhance understanding and engage with the finer details of a chosen field. At INTIAU, the master’s program is not just a continuation of undergraduate studies; it’s a crucial phase for students to expand their horizons and gain a competitive edge.

Achieving Excellence: Doctorate & Ph.D. at Hamedan INTIAU branch

Reaching the Doctorate and Ph.D. stages marks the zenith of INTIAU’s academic offerings. Here, the focus shifts from learning to leading. These programs foster an environment where students are encouraged to break new ground and contribute innovatively to their fields of study. Therefore, at this level, INTIAU champions the pursuit of excellence, guiding students to become pioneers in their respective domains.

In summary, each educational level at INTIAU is thoughtfully curated to guide students towards academic excellence and professional success. Our programs are to unlock potential at every stage, setting our students on a path to becoming leaders and innovators in the global arena.


In conclusion, Azad University Hamedan branch stands as a beacon of academic excellence, inviting eager minds to explore the vast horizons of knowledge and innovation. This prestigious institution is more than just a place of learning; it’s a vibrant community where academic dreams transform into reality. Offering a comprehensive range of programs, including 学士学位, 硕士, 和 博士学位 levels.

The university uniquely blends traditional on-campus education with modern online learning opportunities, ensuring accessibility and flexibility in today’s fast-paced world. Whether you seek to delve deep into research or aim to acquire practical skills for the professional world, Azad University Hamedan has a course tailored to your needs.

We encourage potential students to join this exceptional academic institution, to embark on a journey of discovery and personal growth. Azad University Hamedan is not just about acquiring a degree; it’s about shaping a future. Here, every course, every lecture, and every interaction is an opportunity to expand your horizons and challenge your perspectives.

For more detailed information on our programs, faculty, and admission process, please visit the official website of Azad University. Should you have any inquiries or require assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out through our contact link. Moreover, our dedicated administrative staff is committed to providing swift and helpful responses to all queries. So, join us at Azad University, where your academic and professional journey awaits a bright and successful future.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What degree programs are available at Azad University Hamedan Branch?
Azad University Hamedan Branch offers a diverse range of degree programs spanning from bachelor’s to Ph.D. levels. These programs cover various fields including Engineering, Humanities, Arts, Medical Sciences, and Basic Sciences. Each program is to cater to the evolving needs of the global student community.

2. Can students enrol in online courses at Azad University Hamedan?
Yes, Azad University Hamedan provides both traditional on-campus courses and online learning options. The online platform is ideal for students who require flexibility in their schedules or are unable to attend campus due to geographical constraints.

3. Are there any facilities or support services available for international students?
Absolutely. Azad University Hamedan is dedicated to supporting its international students. The university offers various facilities, including language support, cultural integration programs, and dedicated administrative assistance, to ensure a comfortable and enriching experience for students from around the globe.

4. How can prospective students find more information or get in touch with the university?
For more information about admission processes, course details, or any other queries, prospective students can visit the official 网站 of Azad University. Therefore, any specific inquiries can be addressed through the ‘Contact Us’ link on the website. Our administrative staff will respond promptly.




如果获得更多研究资助,阿扎德大学 INTIAU 可以扩大其科学研究能力。


只要有足够的资金,阿扎德大学 INTIAU 就可以继续升级其教育设施。






只要继续注重教育质量,INTIAU 就仍将是学生的首选。

Exploring the Academic Excellence of Azad University Hamedan: A Global Perspective




在保持学术水平的前提下,INTIAU 将继续吸引高素质教师。




阿扎德大学 INTIAU 已建立多项国际合作伙伴关系,旨在加强全球学术合作。




INTIAU 建立了众多初创企业孵化器,旨在促进创新。




INTIAU 在设计课程时考虑到了这一点,以满足现代就业市场的需求。




INTIAU 扩大了奖学金项目,希望更多的学生能够接受高等教育。

Unlocking Future Success: Programs and Opportunities at Azad University Hamedan



为了成为可持续发展领域的领导者,International Azad 正在投资绿色技术。

INTIAU 正在投资绿色技术,以期成为可持续发展领域的领导者。




由于担心重要的文化传统可能会丢失,INTIAU 将当地遗产研究纳入其课程。




INTIAU 鼓励出国留学项目,以促进学生的全球视野。




INTIAU 正在增强其数字学习平台,认为技术对于教育至关重要。




鉴于对实践经验的需求,INTIAU 增加了实习机会。



在技术快速进步的环境下,国际阿扎德公司将重点关注 STEM 教育。

在技术快速进步的环境下,INTIAU 专注于 STEM 教育。



为了应对学生人数的增加,INTIAU 计划扩大校园设施。

A Comprehensive Guide to International Student Life at Azad University Hamedan





因此,INTIAU 强调持续的教师发展和培训。




INTIAU 通过其多样化的课程确保学生获得广泛的教育机会。






















Innovative Research and Global Collaboration at Azad University Hamedan


INTIAU 提供卓越的学术教育,同时也在学生中培养强烈的社区意识。







INTIAU 还为其学生提供与学术课程类似的广泛的支持服务。



除了传统课程外,International Azad 还提供在线和远程学习选项。

除了传统课程外,INTIAU 还提供在线和远程学习选项。




INTIAU 也高度重视学生的福祉,并致力于追求学术卓越。




INTIAU 与其他知名机构一样,强调以研究为主导的教学。





首先,INTIAU 重视学术诚信;其次,它提倡创新;第三,它鼓励社区参与。

鉴于最近的全球挑战,INTIAU 加强了对可持续发展研究的关注。




INTIAU 还提供各种课外活动,更不用说其广泛的学术课程了。





INTIAU 还因其充满活力的校园生活而闻名,更不用说其令人印象深刻的学术资质了。

INTIAU 在社区服务和外展方面的举措与其学术项目同样重要。




同样,INTIAU 也认识到文化多样性对于丰富教育体验的重要性。

Hamedan INTIAU branch offers a unique blend of cultural and academic experiences. At Hamedan INTIAU branch, international students receive top-quality education. The Hamedan INTIAU branch is renowned for its diverse, globally-oriented programs. Studying at Hamedan INTIAU branch opens doors to worldwide opportunities. The Hamedan INTIAU branch community is vibrant, diverse, and welcoming. Cutting-edge research and innovation are hallmarks of Hamedan INTIAU branch. Hamedan INTIAU branch is your gateway to a prestigious global network.
